Monday 12 August 2019

Modern Heart Gift Bag

I've got another 3D project for you today. This time it's a simple little hand-stamped gift bag that you can fit all sorts in. Personally, I'd put a lovely handmade soap in it, to try and encourage my friends and family to ditch the plastic bottles. 

We're really lucky here in Brackley as we have a wonderful shop called Natural Pampering and they sell delicious, handmade soaps, and a myriad of other lovely items. Also available online here -

I had the first of my August in-person classes yesterday, and one of the ladies really liked this sample that I showed her, so Michelle, I dedicate today's video to you. On the sample I showed her, I used gold heat embossing, but it's all about the stamping today.

Please click on the video below for full instructions and all the products used are listed below.

  Product List

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