Tuesday 23 July 2019

A Rainbow of Floral Essence

Earlier this year, I was delighted when I was asked by Stampin' Up! staff to present at our OnStage demonstrator event in the UK. Even though I was terrified, I said yes immediately and I am so glad I did. It well and truly pushed me out of my (sometimes) anxiety tinged reality, and up onto a stage in front of 600 other Demonstrators!!!! It's quite a prospect sharing your creativity with a room full of experts. But I did do it, and I loved it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, and it has done so much good for my mental health.

The suite of products that I was asked to present was the Perennial Essence suite of products, and this card isn't one I shared at that event, but it is made using the stamp set. I chose 3 stamps and stamped myself a rainbow. Another clean and simple designed, and easy to do.

Grab one of your stamp sets and make a rainbow. It'll brighten up your day. Then write a lovely message inside and give it to someone else, and I guarantee it'll brighten their day too.

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